When Plans Fall Over Sleep Time

- Laura Thompson | 10th December 2021 -

The festive season is upon us, last year we couldn’t do much at all but we all have our fingers crossed that this year will be much better and we will be able to spend time with our loved ones!

What happens when your friends and family (probably the ones without kids of their own if we’re honest!) make plans that fall smack bang over naptime or bedtime? Don’t worry I have some tips for you so that you can still enjoy some festive events!


Can The Event Be Scheduled Around Sleep Times?

Ok, so first off the easiest thing you can do is just find out if plans can be changed a little to suit your little ones sleep schedule. This will not always be possible but if for example you mother in law is planning Christmas lunch at 1pm when your toddler naps and you’d kind of like them to be able to join in then just ask if timings can be changed! When my children had a lunchtime nap we used to have a brunch around 11am and late lunch around 3/3:30ish. It meant the little ones could join in without being over tired and I could enjoy a couple of hours of adult time actually conversing with my family whilst my children napped!

Prepare For A Nap Out And About

If your baby is quite young then it really might not matter if they miss out on the planned event so can you plan to have them nap at the event!? Take everything you will need to set them up for a nap; travel cot, sound machine, blackout blind, baby monitor and any other familiar items your baby uses for sleep. Ask if you can arrive a little early to settle your baby  for their nap before the planned event. Now you can enjoy yourself AND keep your babies sleep on track!

Manipulate Their Schedule

You can try to alter your little ones schedule a little so that they can nap before or after the event. Try waking your little one 30 minutes earlier from their previous sleep (I wouldn’t go over 30 minutes) so they can nap earlier for the next nap and be awake for your plans.

Skipping The Nap

If none of the above are possible you may just have to skip the nap for the day, it’s not ideal but you have to balance this with enjoying special time with your friends and family. Some children handle this better than others but I promise even if it sends sleep off track for a night or two, it will be OK! There’s also some things you can do to minimise the impact of missing the nap.

  • Firstly try and let your little one sleep a little longer from their previous sleep. So let them lay in a little longer in the morning or take a longer first nap.

  • If they wake at their usual time anyway try to leave them in bed for 30 minutes or so (as long as they are happy!) they will at least still be resting and maybe even snoozing a little!

  • After skipping a nap get your child to bed earlier, up to 60-90 minutes earlier!

  • Treat the next day exactly as any other, keep wake and nap times the same so you can get the schedule back on track.

  Plans At Bedtime - Babies

Just like with plans over nap time for babies you can plan to have them nap whilst you are out and about, just take everything you need with you!

Be prepared and either give your baby a bath at home before heading out or choose to skip the bath for a night. If baby stays awake try doing a mini bedtime routine at your friend or families house before putting them in the car. The hope is they will fall asleep on the way home and you can transfer them straight to bed! Hey if they wake on transfer just repeat your last step or two of bedtime routine (maybe that’s a sleepy song and a cuddle) and get them down in their cot to sleep.

Plans At Bedtime - Toddlers & Older Children

If your toddler is going to be late to bed you can try and prepare them by letting them sleep in a little later in the morning or taking a longer or slightly later nap.

Communicate with your older child what will be happening this evening and remind them a few times, toddler forget!


“Tonight we are going to go out and see the Christmas lights but we have to go out when it’s dark so that means when we get home it will be bedtime and we have to get ready quickly. We won’t have a bath tonight, just a wash and put pyjamas on”

 Be pretty explicit about what your mini routine will look like for your toddler.

Enjoy your Christmas plans, even if it all falls apart you will be able to get things back on track the next day!

Thinking about working on your little one’s sleep in the new year? I have something special to offer you for bookings made by the end of 2021 to start in January or February. Book a FREE 15 minute call now and let’s chat!


How to Help Your Child Fall Asleep on Christmas Eve


‘I Should Have Gone To Bed Earlier’