Being sleep deprived is not

just ‘part of parenthood ’


I’m Laura and I am on a mission to let exhausted parents everywhere know that it doesn’t have to be like this and you and your child deserve to sleep well!


I had the perfect new born (don’t hate me yet!)

When I had my first baby in 2016, things were actually pretty good!

​I could put him in his cot and he would mostly settle himself to sleep, he would wake for a feed and go straight back down.

​I enjoyed the freedom of cosy contact naps from him whilst also knowing I could lay him in his Moses basket if I needed to do something - I  know, what a dream!


What’s going on!!?

At around 9 months something changed!

​Someone swapped my angel sleeper and replaced them with a baby who seemingly HATED sleep. 

Singing, rocking, buggy and car rides … we did it all, for HOURS!

He’d finally give in and we’d crawl into bed ourselves. I always had that nagging, anxious feeling wondering how long it would be until he woke again.

Do you get that?


A weight lifted …

A few months in we got some help and by the time Jack was one I could put him into his cot, kiss him goodnight and know that he would sleep soundly … all night!

My husband and I could finally enjoy our evenings again and even have him stay with grandparents whilst we enjoyed a date night!!


Uh- oh! Along came Sophia …

She was NOT the same dreamy new born sleeper that Jack had been.

She did not want to be put down … EVER!

She slept on me all night for 4 long months.

I was exhausted, touched out, full of guilt and I couldn’t see a way out.

Enough was enough

I used what I had learnt with Jack, read everything there was to read and somehow we made it through the other side.

That sparked something in me! I chose not to go back to my job as a primary school teacher instead I trained up, got my certification and am helping families like yours sleep soundly again.



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