Summer Fun: Balancing Child Sleep with Summer Activities

Laura Thompson | 1st July 2024 -

Summer is here, and with it comes a flurry of outdoor adventures, day trips, festivals, and family gatherings. As parents, we want to enjoy these moments while ensuring our children get the sleep they need. Here are some tips to help you navigate summer activities without compromising your child's sleep routine.

Schedule Around Nap and Bedtimes:

Why It’s Important: Just like during the festive season, scheduling events around your child’s sleep times can make a big difference in their mood and enjoyment.

How to Do It:

  • Plan Early or Late Events: Opt for activities during cooler parts of the day, such as morning outings or late afternoon BBQs, to avoid the heat and accommodate nap schedules.

  • Communicate: If events clash with nap or bedtime, politely ask if timings can be adjusted slightly. Most hosts will understand and accommodate.

Prepare for Naps On-the-Go:

Why It’s Important: During summer adventures, babies and toddlers may need a nap away from home. Being prepared ensures they can nap comfortably and on time.

How to Do It:

  • Pack Essentials: Bring a portable travel cot, sound machine, blackout blind, and familiar sleep items to recreate a sleep-friendly environment.

  • Early Arrival: Arrive a bit early to settle your child in for their nap before the event starts. This way, they nap while you enjoy the fun activities.

Adjust the Schedule as Needed:

Why It’s Important: Flexibility is key in summer. Sometimes, you may need to tweak your child’s schedule to fit in with summer activities.

How to Do It:

  • Gradual Adjustments: Shift nap times slightly earlier or later by up to 30 minutes to accommodate outings or late-day events.

  • Skipping a Nap: If necessary, skip a nap for the day. To minimise disruption, allow your child to rest longer in the morning or implement an earlier bedtime that evening.

Bedtime Prep Away from Home:

Why It’s Important: After a day of summer fun, preparing your child for bedtime while away ensures a smooth transition to sleep.

How to Do It:

  • Quick Routine: If skipping a bath, opt for a mini bedtime routine at the event location. Include a calming activity like a bedtime story or a soothing song.

  • Transfer to Bed: If your child falls asleep on the way home, gently transfer them to their cot with minimal disturbance.

Communicate Clearly with Older Children:

Why It’s Important: Preparing older children for bedtime routines during summer outings helps them understand expectations and transitions.

How to Do It:

  • Set Expectations: Clearly explain the evening plan, emphasising the need for a quick wash and pyjamas after evening activities.

  • Repeat Reminders: Remind them throughout the event about the upcoming bedtime routine to avoid surprises.

Summer is a time for making memories with family and friends, and with a little planning, you can enjoy these moments while maintaining your child’s sleep routine. Whether it’s scheduling around nap times, preparing for naps on-the-go, or adjusting schedules as needed, these tips will help you strike a balance between summer fun and restful sleep for your little ones.

Embrace the summer adventures knowing that you can always get back on track the next day.

Looking to optimise your child’s sleep routine? Consider scheduling a consultation to start the new season with healthy sleep habits.

Here’s to a summer filled with joy, adventure, and peaceful nights!


Preparing Your Child for Starting School: A Sleep Consultant’s Perspective