How to Get Sleep Back on Track

- Laura Thompson | 7th January 2022 -

 At the time of writing this we are just getting back into routine after some really lovely chilled time off for the Christmas holidays. You might be too and that might mean routines have fallen by the wayside and sleep is suffering. Or maybe sleep has gone off track for another reason … it happens, life happens!

Here are my tips for getting sleep back on track …


So the first step is to look at what the challenge is and identify the route cause. Maybe you are experiencing bedtime stalling but you know it’s because bedtime routine has been a bit all over the place lately. Perhaps you are back sitting with your child until they fall asleep because you started when they were unwell but now they are better. Maybe your baby has starting waking more frequently over night or early in the morning but you know naps have not been great these past few weeks so they are likely over tired.

Now you know the what and the why … you can move on to how to fix it!

Make a Plan

This is a vital step, you need a clear vision in your mind of what your goal is and how you are going to achieve it. Toddler has been coming out of their bed and joining you in yours? Your goal might be that they stay in their bed all night long. So now work backwards to how you will achieve this goal, you may need to do some prep work with your toddler, agree how you will help them stay in their bed and make sure everyone is on board.

Back to Basics

If this is something you have already worked on to improve then you already know how to do this! Revisit the strategies you used when you first tackled this sleep challenge, it may feel a little like night one all over again but that’s OK! If your little one has strong sleep foundations, you can get this back on track using a confident and consistent approach, just like you did the first time round … and it should be much quicker and more plain sailing this time.



Talk to your spouse and any other caregivers about what you are going to be doing and talk to your child about it too if they are old enough to understand! Let them know what the plan is and when you will be doing this and make sure everyone is on the same page.


Have Some Accountability

You’ve told your spouse about this and you’re in it together, that is great! If you want some more accountability, cheerleading and support with this then why not join my free facebook group and let us know what you are doing so we can cheer you on!

Alternatively my toddler trouble shoot call might just be perfect for you if you need a little extra guidance getting back on track, check it out here.


Naps at Nursery


How to Help Your Child Fall Asleep on Christmas Eve